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"My burden and goal is to reach the people in your community who are lost to addiction or abuse."-Yvonne Saint Germaine By her own account, prior to July 26, 2006, seven-time Aboriginal Gospel Award winner, Yvonne Saint Germaine, led a life that was "dark, lonely, abused, and suicidal". Her addictions included alcohol, prescriptions pills, and crack cocaine. Her turning point, she states on her website, came when "demons began revealing themselves in my home." Yvonne knew...
Creator thunders across the waters, Brilliant, His voice and His face, streaming brightness- God, across the flood waters. Creator God's thunder tympanic, God's thunder symphonic. God's thunder smashes cedars, God topples the northern cedars. The mountain ranges skip like spring colts, The high ridges jump like wild kid goats. God's thunder spits fire. God thunders, the wilderness quakes; He makes the desert shake. God's thunder sets the oak trees dancing A wild dance,...
Even above freezing temperatures for the opening weekend couldn't keep enthusiastic attendees away from the 2017 Festival du Voyageur, Western Canada's largest winter festival. Although the snow sculptures barely made it through the first week, over 94,000 people attended this annual event. Only the Red River Winter Trails were closed for most of the festival. But all the dining and entertainment in the tents at Fort Gibraltar were open as usual....
After reading about Joshua Heath and the Anonymous boy (November-December 2016 issue), I need to get this off of my past and hope to help in stopping this from going on again. I was told that this priest had been sent to jail, after he was caught back in 2006. Had I said something back in the 1960s, he may have been stopped. What was done to the boys in the article—the same warnings were given to me and what would happen to my family, within and by the church. Excommunication and ostracizing by the church and the elders w...
Recently I put on skates for the first time in about six years. I played it safe and ended my session without hitting the ice. During my second skate, I managed to trip and landed pretty hard. Thankfully a little boy, about five years old, skated to my rescue. He asked if I needed help. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I asked him if he could teach me how to get up. It was the cutest thing! He purposely fell down and gave me some basic instructions. “You just lift one knee up like this.” Then he simply lifted himself up! It wa...
Two feet of humid air separated us in the six-man shower. I really didn’t know him well, but the look in his eyes indicated he thought he knew me. One thing was for sure, though; I wasn’t interested in striking up a conversation with a stranger, especially while in my birthday suit. “Pastor,” he said. I ignored him for two reasons. First, I greatly dislike being called “Pastor.” Second, I hoped he was talking to someone else. “Pastor Adrian,” and now I knew the naked man was talking to me. “Sup?” I didn’t want to answ...
I've heard a lot of talk about safety and security lately. When it comes to the security of our homeland, I think of the poster that can be found at powwows, rodeos, and Native festivals. It shows a historical photo of Apache warrior Geronimo and his fellow warriors with the text "Homeland Security since 1492". I'm sure if Geronimo were alive today, he'd have a solution. Presidents or prime ministers are not some kind of supreme ruler or king, unless they are dictators or...
There are seven wonders of the world. But for a child there are millions. We were in a mall and my granddaughter couldn’t get over how many people there were. She had to say hi to everyone. And bye too. People were laughing. She pointed up at a mannequin and said, “Bumpa.” Which is me. That’s my name. I saw no resemblance at all. Except that the mannequin was completely bald. Another of my granddaughters loves to say car and plane. “Car, plane, car plane!” I think she wants t...
I often find it difficult to match my space travel with my daily life. I don’t travel as fast as people living on the equator; they ride the earth’s rotation at 1,000 miles an hour, but I still feel the spin sometimes. We orbit the sun every year at 67,000 miles an hour, covering 92,960,000 miles. Our Solar System is part of the Milky Way galaxy, a 100-billion-star city that rotates with other galaxies. Astronomers thought we traveled with 3,000 other galaxies in the Vir...