Articles from the July 15, 2017 edition

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  • The Amazing Thing about Ordinary

    Carrie Daws|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    Most people older than ten have faced some sort of tragedy. Some of us experienced horror younger than that. A car accident or house fire The death of a loved one Parental divorce Abuse, neglect, or abandonment Suicide of a close friend The list of bad things goes on and on. Yet we know that God redeems. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 61:3 that He exchanges beauty for ashes, or as the Contemporary English Version writes, "The Lord has sent me to comfort those who mourn,...

  • Joy (Foster) Harjo (b. 1951)

    K.B. Schaller|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    "Joy Harjo...transforms personal and collective bitterness to beauty, fragmentation to wholeness, and trauma to healing." -Alicia Ostiker, Chancellor, Academy of American Poets Multi-talented artist Joy Harjo is considered as pivotal in the artistic Native American Renaissance during the latter half of the 20th Century. Born Joy Foster in Tulsa, Oklahoma she took her paternal grandmother's surname when she enrolled in the Muscogee (Mvskoke/Creek ) Nation. She discovered and de...

  • Fear Nothing

    Eugene H. Peterson|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    You who sit down in the Creator's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, Say this: "Creator God, You're my refuge. I trust in You and I'm safe!" That's right-He rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you- under them you're perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing-not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, Not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts...

  • I loved a girl

    Walter Trobich|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    Here begins the private correspondence between two young people and their pastor, which make up a bestselling book translated into 70 languages. Here are the first three letters... M.......January 8 Sir, This letter comes to you in my place. I'm too ashamed to go to see you. Besides, I don't have the money for the trip, because I'm no longer a teacher. I've lost my job. Last Friday, I loved a girl-or as you would put it, I committed adultery-at least that's what the white...

  • Special guests pay Indian Life a visit

    Updated Jul 15, 2017

    Recently, World Team's Marco Schuurman, and Ipomadi, the "Grandman" of the Wayana Tribe visited our Indian Life office in Winnipeg. Marco shared about the work in Suriname and French Guyana and translated for Ipomadi, who in addition to being his tribe's chief, serves as an elder in the Wayana church. Indian Life: Did you come to know Jesus as a child growing up or later in life? Ipomadi: I came to know Jesus in the children's club. Indian Life: How did you become a follower o...

  • Positive proof of love and appreciation

    Lauri Joy Holmes Andersen|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    ALBUQUERQUE, NM-The date was April 29, 2017; the venue was the Pueblo Indian Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM. The event? The Retirement/Farewell Party for Rev. Dr. Julian and Rev. Bernita Cachora-Gunn. As soon as we heard about the celebration, my husband and I knew we just had to be there. About 200 guests came from near and far-Arizona, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and of course, New Mexico. When Dave and I arrived at the venue, the air was filled with...

  • Healing the Heart through Dealing with Anxiety

    Parry Stelter|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    Over the past year I have been dealing with an unexpected problem in my life. As far as my role as husband, father, pastor, Bible teacher, and student is concerned I am very happy. There are so many people that I love and there are so many people that love me. Life is good! God is good! Family and friends are good! Church is good! Yet, there have been times when I have struggled with anxiety to the point of having short panic attacks. Now before I go any further let's read...

  • The Zoo Cage Prophet

    Adrian G. Torres|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    Henry, the lizard, had sat on Tommy’s shoulder for weeks, everywhere except the chow hall. He perched there like royalty, gazing upon his subjects. Everyone loved Henry. Tommy had owned Henry for several months, and I was sure he turned his head slightly when I spoke to him. I may have imagined it, but everyone agreed—out of all the cell lizards, Henry was the smartest. The weather turned cold and wet here, and we didn’t see Henry for a week. When he finally resumed his custo...

  • The Ojibway Legend of the Dandelion and the South Wind

    Crying Wind|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    Shawondasee, the South Wind was blowing across a meadow in the early spring when he saw a beautiful maiden with golden hair and wrapped in a green blanket. He fell in love with Dandelion at first sight but she was too young and he decided to wait until the next time he blew across the meadow. Then he would declare his love. Spring passed and Summer came and now the beautiful maiden was taller and stronger and her golden hair was more beautiful and the bees swarmed around her...

  • Just Wondering

    Sue Carlisle|Updated Jul 15, 2017

    I wonder what the world would be like if each of us could see the spiritual realm as clearly as we see the physical one. What does the spirit world look like when an airliner crashes? While newscasters and safety experts examine details and determine causes, which they should, I tend to ponder what the spiritual scene would have looked like. Were there angels there to help? What does the spiritual realm look like when a suicide bomber kills people in the Manchester arena or...

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