Articles from the July 15, 2020 edition

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  • One Sheep Matters

    Becky Kew|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    The Bible portrays so many pictures of the Lord Jesus being the caring, compassionate shepherd of His sheep. He is the Good Shepherd who will look for a wandering sheep and bring it back to His fold to be kept, valued and safe forever (John 10:28). With regards to the unrest of society and the continuing struggle for various people groups to be valued and accepted, God does have good news! Where is our source of value found? Let's imagine the mindset of a sheep, like the one...

  • Healing Through Jesus Being My Crutch

    Parry Stelter|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    Over the course of the last five years I have had knee replacement surgeries on each of my knees. I had the surgeries because of chronic pain in the knee joints, arthritis in the joints and because the cushioning in the joints were gone. If anyone has had knee problems, you can relate to what I went through. Before I had those surgeries, I used a cane to help lessen the tension on those knees. Then, as I was recovering from those surgeries, I used a walker, then two crutches...

  • God's Life Line

    Sue Carlisle|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    My favorite mystery ended, and the screensaver satellite image of earth began. I felt too awake to go to bed so I sat, fascinated with watching the picture. I focused on the ribbon of atmosphere dividing our living planet from the frigid blackness of space. It looked so thin, so fragile. I felt uneasy. If that line went away, we would all be dead in a microsecond. I guess gravity must hold our atmosphere in place, but what if the One who provided life changed His mind about...

  • Laugh Again

    Phil Callaway|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    School. Do we really need it? English? We already speak it. Math? We have calculators. History? Those people are gone. Physical education? We have the great outdoors. Spanish? We have Dora the Explorer. Okay. I'm kidding. Truth is, I'm grateful for school. Without it I would be a very bad speelor. As it was, my grades began slipping in kindergarten. If I didn't know the answer, I got creative. What ended in 1945? 1944. Here are answers kids have written on tests. Q: If you...

  • Almost a Heart Attack

    Brad Dixon|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    I was closer to death than I knew. "We caught you," said the doctor. I was both relieved and surprised. I hadn't known my heart was in such a terrible shape. Bad, but not as awful as the heart doctor said. I was both awake and asleep when he said, "We caught you." Anesthesia robbed me of both the fear of suffering and the joy of recovery. Two months Iater I'm fuIIy aIert, and I rejoice in what he told me. The heart. The thing in your chest that pumps blood through arteries...