Articles from the November 15, 2013 edition

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  • Christmas Kaleidoscope

    Sue Carlisle|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    Wes and I are enjoying retirement. We moved out of the Toronto area, and, though I miss good friends, I don’t miss the traffic and incessant roar of the city. I enjoy a quieter, slower pace now; trees fill my vista instead of high rises and aggressive vehicles. I hope I am still as enthused with my new surroundings in January. I am sorting through boxes to find our heavy coats. This summer, we spent time visiting family and renewing old friendships. I heard many stories and n...

  • Exceeding Great Joy

    Crying Wind|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    My favorite story in the Bible is the beautiful story of the night Jesus was born. We’ve all seen paintings of the Nativity and we’ve seen plays and movies and, of course, Christmas cards showing baby Jesus in the manger surrounded by Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the Wise Men and the angels. Maybe it didn’t happen exactly the way it is shown on a Christmas card but in my mind and in my heart, that is how I want to think of it. I want to think of the Wise Men riding camel...

  • Letting the "True Healer" Heal the Heart

    Parry Stelter|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    There's a wonderful song by the Christian music group Mercy Me entitled "The Hurt and the Healer." This song is very powerful and I want to translate this song from my own experience, Scripture and the life of Jesus and let it help heal your broken heart. Here we go with the lyrics. "Why? The question that is never far away. The healing doesn't come from being explained. Jesus, please don't let this go in vain. You're all I have. All that remains." Many times when we...


    Phil Callaway|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    When I was a kid my brothers liked to tell me stories of prison. For never being there, they sure knew a lot about it. They said inmates had escaped the nearby penitentiary and were headed this way. Backyard sleepovers had little appeal to me that summer. Other stories had to do with police officers making random arrests in our town, hand-cuffing boys who didn't seem particularly interested in attending school or church. I was terrified of the police as a child. So you can...

  • Christmas Surprise

    Evelyn Horan|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    It was Christmas Eve, last year. How I dreaded its arrival! I knew I shouldn't feel that way-but inside my little house the silence had become unbearable. My only company was the TV and most shows weren't the kind that held my interest long. I had my daily Bible reading and my prayers. I often talked to God during the day, and there was comfort in that. I tried not to think about the past, but when the Christmas season arrived, I couldn't help thinking about the past-about...

  • Trusting Him

    Becky Kew|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    We must not regret the things that God has allowed us to pass through. We are not here to take the temporal view. He works all things according to the counsel of His will, ‘tis true. Life has twists and turns as we seek to do His will, We must learn that He is seeking to conform us to His image still. This has a far greater reward than any loss during this life of ill. Jesus is Lord, despite the popular opinion, I am learning through and through that God is sovereign No m...

  • Plunking a Goose

    Updated Nov 23, 2013

    The other day I was out running some errands on a time crunch. I caused myself some anxiety from my very long "to-do" list that I created by my obsessive desire to check every item off my list before heading into work. I was driving myself crazy. Do you ever do that? Do you ever cram so much onto your list that it becomes unreasonable? As I was running errands, zipping in and out of the stores and trying to answer my never ending cell phone calls, I was getting overwhelmed....

  • Native American Rights Advocate and Banker

    K.B. Schaller|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    A great-granddaughter of Mountain Chief, one of the West's legendary leaders, Elouise Cobell (Yellow Bird Woman) was born into the heritage of Blackfeet activism. She graduated from Great Falls Business College and attended Montana State University. An accountant who was active in community development, Cobell was also involved in many other organizations that benefited Native Indian people. Cobell never planned to be a banker, but when the residents of Browning, Montana...

  • Native American Icon

    Dale Carson|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    Dear Friends, Well, here comes Old Man Winter yet again, but, what if it is really Old Woman Winter? That changes things. I think a woman might be pleased to have time inside to organize all that was put aside during the beautiful days now passed. What I am saying is to use this time for positive projects and not lament the fact that its too cold out to do anything outside! Just keeping warm is doing something. Working on inside endeavors gives a person time to reflect on...

  • Is Your Life Hopeless?

    Updated Nov 23, 2013

    JR’s life was hopeless. One day he could take it no longer. Just as he was about to take his life, he says “I fell to my knees and wept. As one last attempt for hope I cried out to this God. ‘I’m not totally sure who You are and what You do, but...if You can make my life better, I don’t want my life any more so why don’t you have it? Here it is, take it.” JR says he felt as if a huge weight was lifted. Are you in a hopeless situation? Are you ready to give up? Like JR, you can find hope by turning to Jesus. Here’s how to...

  • Big Action Movie with Sledgehammer Revelation

    A Film Review by Willie Krischke|Updated Nov 23, 2013

    Ender's Game is a movie about war and children. Set in the distant future, humanity has barely survived an attack by a vastly superior alien enemy, almost entirely due to luck and good timing. The aliens look and act like giant bugs, and their faces fill the nightmares of Earth's children every night. And maybe not just the children. The thought of a second bug invasion scares the pants off of Earth's leaders so they are doing everything imaginable to make sure that doesn't ha...