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  • One Sheep Matters

    Becky Kew|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    The Bible portrays so many pictures of the Lord Jesus being the caring, compassionate shepherd of His sheep. He is the Good Shepherd who will look for a wandering sheep and bring it back to His fold to be kept, valued and safe forever (John 10:28). With regards to the unrest of society and the continuing struggle for various people groups to be valued and accepted, God does have good news! Where is our source of value found? Let's imagine the mindset of a sheep, like the one...

  • God's Life Line

    Sue Carlisle|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    My favorite mystery ended, and the screensaver satellite image of earth began. I felt too awake to go to bed so I sat, fascinated with watching the picture. I focused on the ribbon of atmosphere dividing our living planet from the frigid blackness of space. It looked so thin, so fragile. I felt uneasy. If that line went away, we would all be dead in a microsecond. I guess gravity must hold our atmosphere in place, but what if the One who provided life changed His mind about...

  • Laugh Again

    Phil Callaway|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    School. Do we really need it? English? We already speak it. Math? We have calculators. History? Those people are gone. Physical education? We have the great outdoors. Spanish? We have Dora the Explorer. Okay. I'm kidding. Truth is, I'm grateful for school. Without it I would be a very bad speelor. As it was, my grades began slipping in kindergarten. If I didn't know the answer, I got creative. What ended in 1945? 1944. Here are answers kids have written on tests. Q: If you...

  • Make a List

    Crying Wind|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    I make a lot of lists to remind myself of things I need to do. I make grocery lists and more often than not I leave them on my kitchen table. I go to the store without them and forget to pick up a few things. Then I have to make a second trip later in the week to get salt or butter or onions that I forgot. When I get a new calendar I go through it month by month and circle the dates of the birthdays of my family and friends. They are important to me. My friends would survive...

  • An Open Door for Positive Influence

    Kene Jackson NEFC Executive Director|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    I remember Chris, a divorced single mom who'd recently lost her IT job. She was struggling to find her way in life, as well as to make a living for herself and her daughter. She was a believer, but that was often a struggle too. After an afternoon of helping her move to another apartment, we struck up a conversation about some life issues. The topic of foster parenting came up. I asked if she had ever considered becoming a foster parent. She responded with a resounding, "No...

  • Healing the Heart Through Ultimate Authority

    Parry Stelter|Updated Jun 15, 2020

    I was part of the Sixties Scoop generation and so although I am Indigenous, I grew up in a different world, compared to my relatives on the reserve. Growing up in the city, we used to have company over to our house on a regular basis-especially on Saturday night. My parents were also part of a church bowling league and so on Saturday night my brother and sister would babysit me and have authority over me for that night. As I got older, I would go to youth night, where we would...

  • The Council Speaks

    Updated Jun 15, 2020

    Question: I recently asked Jesus into my heart and I want to know if this means I shouldn't be living with someone I'm not married to? What if we have children together? Answer: When you asked Jesus into your heart you were born again. You are a new person and have a new life In Christ. "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun" (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT). God wants you to live the new life you received in...

  • The Zoo Cage Prophet

    Adrian G. Torres|Updated Jun 15, 2020

    It happened twice, two days in a row. Both times I was forgotten. Time moved, but I didn't. I was left alone, cuffed, in a stand-up-only cage. I love business. I truly enjoy the art of growing a business and pivoting to keep up with demands and market trends. Business comes easily to me. I am intrigued by the working parts, especially sales and P.R. (Public Relations). All businesses are, at core, based on sales, and to sell itself a business needs P.R. The image of the...

  • What's Your Name?

    Crying Wind|Updated Jun 15, 2020

    I have a very bad habit of living in the past; remembering when my children were little, which was the happiest time of my life. I wish I could turn the clock back and live those happy days again. I need to stop looking back. There is a saying: "Even God can not change the past. I have thought about the Bible story about Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt in Genesis 19:15–26. God had sent angels to lead Lot and his family out of Sodom and Gomorrah because the c...

  • Laugh Again

    Phil Callaway|Updated Jun 15, 2020

    Tabloids do their best to start rumours. Here are a few headlines I'm not making up: "Farmer shoots 23-pound grasshopper." "Man's 174 MPH Sneeze Blows Wife's Hair Off." "Satan's Skull Found. Bible experts call it the find of the century." Speaking of the devil, I heard a rumour that he was going out of business. He had a Blow Out Sale at his store there on 666th Avenue, offering to sell his tools to the highest bidder. His minions welcomed customers with sneers. Tools were...

  • The Creator's Victory

    Sue Carlisle|Updated Jun 15, 2020

    I want to conclude my series based on my book, Walking with the Creator, with thoughts from the final lesson, The Creator's Victory. The beguiling serpent offered Eve some intriguing lies. He told her that the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would taste good and make her wise-and that contrary to what God told her, she really would not die. God had given her every good tree in the Garden except for the one that involved evil. I wondered why such a tree...

  • A little bit of faith goes a long way!

    Becky Kew|Updated Jun 15, 2020

    Our way of life has been changed in the last few months. Fear has gripped society. Social media and our news channels are bombarding us with all kind of stories, and we don't know what to believe! This tiny virus called COVID-19 has shaken the world! I wonder what the Lord Jesus would have to say about our response to such pandemic. Perhaps this for starters: • Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 5:5). • I am the...

  • Gratefulness

    Kene Jackson NEFC Executive Director|Updated Jun 12, 2020

    I was meditating the other day on the concept of gratefulness-a close cousin to the concept of thankfulness. Both have the common denominator of appreciation. It was just a few days after Covid-19 hit and many people were really concerned about where this all was going. I started to think about what all we had been blessed with. I thought about having a home-not everyone does, you know. I thought about how all my kids and grandkids were safe, secure, and had enough to eat-not...

  • Two kinds of people

    Updated Apr 10, 2020

    Did you know that there are only two kinds of people on planet earth; two kinds of people that really matter? No it isn't white or brown people, rich or poor people; or even old or young people. God doesn't define us primarily as being healthy or sick or even happy or sad. Even though He is intensely interested in every part of our individual lives, the whole world is divided into two classes of people, God sees us in a way told in the scriptures. When God looks at us, He...

  • Editorial Viewpoint

    Kene Jackson NEFC Executive Director|Updated Apr 8, 2020

    I was watching a news report this morning about an earthquake in Asia. It wasn't all that bad (as earthquakes go) but it got me thinking about the storms we all face in life. Everyone has his or her share of storms, Storms of health, relationships, finances, employment (or lack thereof)-scenarios we didn't choose and then the "Reap what you sow" quagmires we find ourselves in now and then! God's Word gives us answers to the storms we face in this life everything from attitude...

  • The Council Speaks

    Updated Apr 8, 2020

    Question: I am from Ottawa and Chippewa heritage. I am incarcerated, but I've renewed my relationship with Christ and would love for the helpful information on how to walk closer on the Creator's path, as well as Indian Life newspaper. I am struggling with some of my Native sisters and their beliefs. I need help to bring them to Christ. They believe Jesus is for white people and was forced on us because our parents were removed and placed in Catholic boarding schools and so...

  • The Change in Me

    Becky Kew|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    When I think about my childhood, I vividly remember having to compete against the "brown bottle." Both my Mom and Dad were drinkers. There was always a party going on somewhere. In our small town of 800 people, it seemed as if drinking was all there was to do. I can remember my mom and dad fighting, and sometimes it would be quite scary for a little kid to listen to. As I got older I got used to it. I used to wonder: "Why do they love this brown bottle so much when it brings...

  • Resting Your Heart and Soul Through Being Like a Child

    Parry Stelter|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    I recently took on a paper route in my neighborhood because I noticed that I was behind in my bills more than I thought. Sometimes taking on an extra job or a part time job can really help us get through the rough financial times that we all go through periodically. If you live in a remote community or in an Indigenous community, it's harder to find a job like a paper route, but there are other opportunities that come and go. They might last a day or three days or sometimes a...

  • A 20-20 Focus

    Sue Carlisle|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    I cannot believe it is a fourth of the way through 2020! To me, reaching 2020 is like hitting one of those life-changing numbers like 20, 40 or 70. Each one carries a different emotion and expectation. I felt a bit uncertain when I turned 70, but no matter what our age, we can be certain that God has a plan. Here is part of the last lesson from my book, Walking with the Creator Along the Narrow Road. The third chapter of Genesis is a drama about a broken relationship between...

  • Laugh Again

    Phil Callaway|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    A little boy asked a friend, "How do you spell mousetrap? The friend said, "C-A-T." How is your spelling? Winnie the Pooh said, "My spelling is wobbly; it's good spelling but it wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places." Teachers have encountered some letters in the wrong places on tests and assignments. Here are a few of my favorites. 1. "I didn't get to sleep much all night because next doors dog was baking." Well, that kid had a ruff night, don't you think? (Pardon...

  • The Legend of the Rabbit and the Rattlesnake

    Crying Wind|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    Gah was a small rabbit-in fact, the smallest in his family of twelve. While the rest of the family hopped all over the forest, Gah stayed close to the huge oak tree where he was born in a cozy hole under a root. Before Gah's mother and sisters and brothers hopped down to the creek to eat the tender clover that grew at the edge of the water, his mother warned him not to stray far away because the world was a dangerous place for a small rabbit. Gah nibbled some plants and looked...

  • The Zoo Cage Prophet

    Updated Apr 7, 2020

    My eye was swollen shut. It was still early, but I couldn't sleep. I'd been tossing and turning for what felt like hours. I was lying on my left side when I became aware that my left eye was not listening to my brain telling it to open. With my right hand I reached across to rub my eye open, and at that moment I felt the problem: bumps. A nasty rash had broken out right under my eye and into my left eye's tear duct. Not only that, the rash had also invaded my lower-lip/upper-c...

  • Soothing Words for Seething Times

    Elaine McAllister|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    We live in troublesome times with pandemics, economic woes, healthcare crises and more, yet our Heavenly Father can always be trusted. Always. He knows the plans He has for us (see Jeremiah 29:11) and we can have peace even in the midst of confusion as we find a new normal. Jesus speaks peace to us in John 16:33: "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."...

  • Letters from our readers

    Updated Apr 7, 2020

    A Ring of Fire I have corresponded with Indian Life Ministries for about 10 years, and your newspaper, books, fliers and correspondence have been nothing short of a joy and blessing in my life. You have truly helped to instill the love of Jesus into my life. And that love has spread to countless people who have been around me and around those who were around me. It's very similar to a tiny spark that builds into a ring of fire. The difference being, that ring of fire is...

  • Editorial Viewpoint

    Kene Jackson NEFC Executive Director|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    I took the time the other day to count the doors at our place. It took me about 30 seconds to figure out that we have 12 of them. It was kind of a mundane exercise, but it got me thinking about Closed and Open Doors and how God uses both kinds in our lives. The Open Doors are the opportunity ones. They can be captivating, motivating and exciting or, on the flip side, intimidating, overwhelming and downright scary! You see, open doors usually mean change! Change is a great...

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