Four Wars of 1812

By D. Peter Macleod

Douglas & McIntyre

Paper 96 pages

We all know the saying that there is more than one side to every story. Well, this is certainly true of the war known as the War of 1812. According to D. Peter Macleod, there are four sides to this story.

"For Canadians, the war was about American invasions. For Americans, it was about standing up to Britain. For the British, it was an irritating sideshow to the Napoleonic Wars raging in Europe. And for the Native Americans--whose presence in the war is too often forgotten-- it was a desperate struggle for freedom and independence as they fought to defend their homelands."

This is a small, yet lavish account of the war, beautifully illustrated with paintings, maps and artifacts, which gives a new look into this important event in North American history.

As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, let's not forget the important role that Native Americans played. Let's recognize their efforts and the fact that they were essential to this war.

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