Exceeding Great Joy

My favorite story in the Bible is the beautiful story of the night Jesus was born. We’ve all seen paintings of the Nativity and we’ve seen plays and movies and, of course, Christmas cards showing baby Jesus in the manger surrounded by Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the Wise Men and the angels.

Maybe it didn’t happen exactly the way it is shown on a Christmas card but in my mind and in my heart, that is how I want to think of it. I want to think of the Wise Men riding camels and following the bright star over Bethlehem. What did the Wise Men leave behind them to follow the star?

They risked their positions, their status, ridicule and shame. They were known as Wise Men. What if they traveled the long journey following a star and then hadn’t found Jesus? They would have made fools out of themselves and their reputations would have been ruined. But the Bible says when the Wise Men saw the star in the East they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

Sometimes in life we are happy but can you think of a time when you rejoiced with exceeding great joy? Did anything ever happen in your life that made you laugh and dance and jump up and down and clap your hands and shout? Did you ever get news so wonderful that it took your breath away?

The shepherds were quietly watching their flocks of sheep at night when a multitude of heavenly host filled the sky and the glory of the lord shone down on them. A multitude is so many they can’t be counted.

An angel told the shepherds he brought good tidings of great joy. The angel didn’t say he brought “some pretty good news”, he said he brought good news of great joy. The shepherds left their flocks immediately and ran to see the babe in the stable. That is not a small thing. It was their job to watch and protect the sheep. Sheep aren’t brave animals, they don’t have a way to defend themselves, they panic easily, they will run over a cliff and the whole flock will follow. They can’t run fast, they are easy prey.

The Bible talks about lions and bears and wolves—an entire flock of sheep could be slaughtered in minutes! Then how will the family survive without wool for blankets and clothes and meat to eat?

The shepherds risked everything they had, not only for now but for the future—the lambs that would be born next spring. Did one shepherd stay behind or did the shepherds trust that God would watch over their sheep?

The Bible says the shepherds “came with haste” and found the baby laying in the manger. Another translation says the shepherds “ran to the village,” we don’t know how far they had to go but they didn’t walk, they ran and they went back to their fields and flocks praising God.

What would make us leave everything and run? Who else came? Who else was brave enough to go to the stable?

Would I have gone to the stable? I hope so, but maybe I’d have felt it was my duty to stay behind and watch my sheep. I would have missed one of the greatest moments in heaven or on earth because I would have been afraid to lose my herd of sheep. I wonder if I had lived in those times if I’d have gone to the stable to see Jesus. Would I have believed? Would I have had the courage?

If Jesus had been born now who would seek Him? Would people just sit at home and wait to see if it was announced on the late evening news?

Would we drive in our cars and use our GPS to find the stable? Would we even be bothered to go or would we wait to hear about it from other people who made the trip? Would we say we were too busy, too tired, it was too far, the traffic might be bad, we had to work? Would we have missed the great miracle that made angels rejoice and fill the skies?

Would we have missed the exceeding great joy?

I hope I have the faith of those shepherds and those Wise Men and any others who went to the stable.

Imagine seeing the newborn Savior!

Imagine being there at that moment!

I hope if I had lived 2,000 years ago that I would have left behind all I had and I would have run to the stable.

This Christmas I wish you all great blessings, happiness, health, laughter, love and exceeding great joy!

Crying Wind is the author of Crying Wind and My Searching Heart, When the Stars Danced, and Thunder in Our Hearts, Lightning in Our Veins. All her books are available from Indian Life. Check catalog on page 19.