Forgiving Our Past Mistakes

Evelyn Horan

Most of us find time to relax and review our memories. For many, it is a satisfying and gratifying pastime. As a caution, however, when reviewing our past memories we should be careful not to condemn ourselves with regrets and remorse.

It is easy to recall a cross word spoken without careful thought to a friend or loved one, or a time when children had tried our patience. Perhaps while enjoying our own good health, we neglected to visit a sick friend who would have appreciated our caring presence. Perhaps, we forgot to count our blessings for all the good things in our lives, and we occasionally grumbled about our lack of good fortune, not remembering there are countless millions in poverty and deprivation in many countries in the world today.

There are numerous errors or thoughtless behavior in our busy days over the passage of time. These moments hang heavy on our conscience as we experience our regrets.

We should be careful not to dwell too long on areas of “I should have—I wish I had—or why didn’t I do this or that?” If we could return to the past and change choices and decisions, we would.

In thinking back, we can remember, we were conscientious, trying to live a worthy and productive life by facing our problems and duties with a willing attitude, and doing the best we could with our circumstances at that particular time.

We are comforted as we remember we have a loving and understanding Creator. He always forgives our errors and regrets. He understands when we talk to Him about our failings. Then, with much gratitude to Him, we can forgive ourselves.

With God’s help, we can gain a renewed feeling of self-worth. We can accept all our memories without condemnation, as we continue to seek His will for us.

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