Letters from Our Readers

Being an inmate we [I] are very limited to what we can read. By luck your July-August 2015 issue ended up in my possession. I am a Tribal member of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Chippewa Indians (Ojibwe).

Can you please give me the address of AFN Grand Chief Perry Bellegarde so I can write to him concerning his statement: Reconciliation can’t proceed while First Nations are mired in the “poverty that plagues our people”?

I can change that statement but I need to correspond with him.

The Pope asked the world for a universal agreement on climate change. I can help him through a modification in producing clean electricity that I call GreenTrax.

GreenTrax is a microgrid, being an organization that helps the Native Church. I’m asking for your help in getting GreenTrax introduced to the Pope or if I could get an address to the United Nations or the Green Climate Fund.

This GreenTrax will revolutionize the world, along with global healing.

—J.J., Stanley, WI

Editor’s Note: Thank you for your good letter. Here are addresses you can use to reach the Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief as well as the United Nations Office for Climate Change. The AFN represents First Nations in Canada and as you live in Wisconsin, I’d advise you to contact the National Congress of the American Indian (NCAI) and their address is also below:

Assembly of First Nations

55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1600

Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5

Toll-Free: 1-866-869-6789


United Nations Climate

UNFCCC secretariat

P.O. Box 260124

D-53153 Bonn, Germany

Phone: (49-228) 815-1000


National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

Embassy of Tribal Nations

1516 P Street NW

Washington, DC 20005

Phone: (202) 466-7767