
The Zoo Cage Prophet

For many centuries the world has been trying to answer questions like “if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around, does it make any sound?”or “Does the light in the refrigerator ever go off when the door is closed?” or What is the meaning of life?” or “Why doesn’t a man ever stop and ask for directions when he knows he’s lost?”… Well, the question that I’m starting to ask is, ” Has anyone ever seen a rough, tough—scars-to-prove-it —career criminal, grown man cry?”

Through a watery veil of tears, a trembling chin and a half choking voice, Mike entrusted a tender, deep and painful feeling to me. “All my life I’ve tried to love and to find love. However, every time I think I have found it —either through a friend, family, pet, even a thing—it gets ripped away from me, hurting me and causing more pain; irritating the already open sore; giving me another reason to harden my ways and become a mean, mean, person.” I stood there looking at him, holding back tears of my own, praying within me for words of wisdom. Nothing. Not a thought. It felt like hours…

Five days before this night, Mike lay on his bunk, and I in mine, as he painfully described his childhood. His childhood was filled with nothing but sorrow. From being literally beaten black-and-blue, from head to toe, by his father. Living on his own, on the streets, at the age of eleven. Jumping from boys group homes to boys ranches to juvenile hall—none wanting him. Learning that the only way to survive life was to harden one’s heart and do what needed to be done to stay alive.

It was about midnight that night he told me these things. By the end, I lay in a fetal position crying my heart out, feeling the pain shoot straight through my stomach, then around to my back. The images painted by his words toppled me over to a helpless state. I found myself wanting to physically transfer the peace that the Lord placed and rooted in my heart, straight to him—like a blood transfusion. However, I knew it wasn’t that easy with Mike. Like Pharaoh, who Moses faced, I found myself in a similar situation. Years and years of hurt had caused Mike’s heart to grow layers upon layers of hardness.

Mike is a unique person. He stands out, no matter what kind of crowd he’s among. He walks tough. He looks tough. He talks tough. He even smiles tough. He’s the person you avoid passing, and run across the street instead. Imagine how I felt when he was moved into my cell to free-up a cell he was in. He knew I was the “Preacher Boy” of the unit. Always smiling and talking to anyone who would listen about the Word of God. Though I wasn’t scared, I did wonder how he would react to my in-cell late-night cellie-to-cellie talks (since they always included God and love). God is good!

Like a large Las Vegas neon sign, Mike’s first words to me—as my new official cellie—were, “Why is it that I have so many Bible questions that no one has been able to answer?” Ding, ding, ding ding! Bells went off in my heart. I wanted to jump up and start doing the silly chicken dance. But I kept my cool. I gently smiled and told him I would like to be challenged by his many questions.

Since then, every single night, we read, discuss, and work through the Bible. God issues; spiritual issues; life issues. I may not have all the answers, however he seems to be enjoying my effort. I can see it in his eyes.

I wish I could report that Mike has accepted the Lord as his personal Lord and Savior. This is one soul that needs much more care and tender attention. Since he and I are both scheduled to go to our corresponding prisons, our growing relationship will have to stop (until we both get out and reunite). I pray that this update would touch the heart of some of you and encourage you to join Truth Frees Us and become a mentor and friend to Mike.

Mike has openly agreed to receive any support that will come from you, to encourage him to further discover God. Mike has been working on expressing his thoughts and feelings with me. Attached to this update are Mike’s thoughts, feelings, and questions. Please take the time to carefully read them, as you prayerfully consider becoming a firm pillar in Mike’s life.

So the question was, “Has anyone ever seen a rough, tough—scars-to-prove-it— career criminal, grown man cry?” I now strongly believe this is totally impossible. For in every man is a longing to be soft and tender. In the eyes of the Lord, there is none too tough or bad to cry—and be helped. Every so-called “tough man” has a child within, waiting to be embraced. Only tender loving men cry—and Mike is one of them.

Reaching for help for my new found friend, Straight from Adrian’s Cell…

© 2016 Friends of Adrian. Adrian is an inmate in California.

Adrian’s book The Walls Talk is available on Amazon.com and other dealers.

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