The King's Child

Miriam wearily brushed the hair away from her face as she scrubbed the last of the pots in the hot, humid kitchen. It had not been her idea to become a scullery maid in the house of the arrogant family for whom she worked. They paid her little notice. Her only value to them was in keeping their kitchen clean, the vegetable garden weeded, and the chamber pots emptied.

She longed to stroll along the path in her father’s flower garden and sit beside the melodic fountain in the cool of the evening. There she could watch the sun set behind the forested hills surrounding her father’s estate. Her attire would not be the rough brown muslin of a servant’s garb, but a soft, lovely gown that her father, the king, had purchased for her.

It was not her choice to be working as a servant amongst those who did not recognize her, but her father wanted her to learn to love those in his kingdom as he did. He wanted her to learn to reign in wisdom and grace.

Wouldn’t that make a great opening for a novel? Do you ever feel like the scullery maid? How about the arrogant family that ignored her? To be honest, I have found myself in both positions.

If you are following Christ, you are a child of the King. It doesn’t matter what your earthly circumstances are. Jesus warns us that we live in an alien land, but He has a purpose for this land. Our broken world provides a marvelous training ground for the King’s children as we learn to listen to His heart and reign like He reigns. The King does not want willful, self-centered children reigning in arrogance and pride. His enemy acts like that.

Instead, He teaches His children kindness, gentleness and patience. He teaches redemption rather than destruction. God is love, not violence and hatred. The King speaks only truth and He wants His children to speak truth also. He will chasten when necessary and offer comfort and faithful guidance through the Holy Spirit. His eye is continually on His child. The King of the universe is an unusual King. He loves those who hate Him. He blesses those who curse Him. He forgives those who abuse Him. He desires that His children be unusual also.

A time is coming when the training will be over. The time of trouble and sorrow will end, and He promised to wipe away every tear. The enemy’s usefulness will be finished and the King will deal with all those who chose Satan’s lies over His truth.

A celebration supper is coming! God’s children will dress in clothes befitting royalty in a kingdom of unimaginable glory. It will be more glorious than any kingdom we could ever dream up. Not only will it be glorious in splendor—it will be glorious in love.

Revised from devotional in Walking With the Creator Along the Narrow Road by Sue Carlisle, published by Indian Life Books.