To will or not to will

Have you ever thought about your will? I am not talking about the document which states your wishes concerning your estate after you leave this world. What I mean is the will to make daily choices based on your desires and intellect.

What do you “will” as a way of life? What do you love?

The answer to these questions determines the quality of your life at this moment. If your answers to these questions don’t line up with God’s Word, Scriptures tell us we are living far below the standard God intended for us. If Jesus said in John 5:30: “that He did not seek His own will but the will of the One who sent Him,” then shouldn’t we, who are created by Him also do the same?

Elisabeth Elliot once said, “The more I learn to love what God loves and to will what He wills, the greater my freedom and the greater my joy.”

How can we know what God loves and what God wills? We need to go to His Word. We need to be “willing” to make this decision and follow through by seeking to obey what He says. God says, “Those who seek Me, will find Me” (Jeremiah 29:13). Surely God loves seekers!

God’s will is for all of us to have His salvation, and come to the knowledge of the truth (FirstTimothy 2:4). Do you “will” to know the truth? Is this your desire? Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6).

The Bible tells us that the Gospel is offensive. Why? Simply because it leaves no room for pride. It strips us of our pride by telling us that we are helpless to cleanse ourselves, helpless to save ourselves from the punishment that we deserve for “willing” to go our own way (Romans 3:23).

The truth is: Jesus Christ came to save sinners. He loves you and laid His life down for you, but He can’t make you believe this fact. It’s your choice.

Are you “willing” to acknowledge that you have missed the mark of God’s perfect standard over and over again, countless times? Are you willing to agree with God’s Word that unless we change our mind and accept Jesus Christ, we will perish eternally (John 3:36)?

We know that Heaven rejoices over one sinner who changes his or her mind and agrees with God about being guilty. This is what God loves (Luke 15:7).

The helpless sinner who lets the Son of God be his or her Savior, is the one who is freely given a new nature that sets them free from “willing” to go their own way. Free from “willing” to stay trapped by dark hopeless chains of sin. “If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36)!

You are loved with the greatest love that has ever existed (Romans 5:8)! Are you willing to believe Jesus Christ and let Him bring you to God, through faith in His death on the cross for you? He is the only one who can do it, because He is the only one that God is satisfied with (First Timothy 2:5).

To will or not to will….the most important choice to make: He who takes the Son has life. He who does not take the Son, does not have this life but the wrath of God is upon him” (John 3:36).

It is my prayer that you choose to be like the deer that longs for streams of water, so you will long for God (Psalm 42:1).

Becky Kew shares Good News at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.

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