How to keep winning the battle against your heart

The battle for your heart can be won, but the war will always rage on against it. (My personal experience)

"Be sober; be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." -First Peter 5:8

(If you don't believe me, then this Scripture nails it!)

OK fellow warriors, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most of you have experienced a hard moment of truth. Was there a time, moment or a conversation that made a huge impact on your way of life; a moment that you'll never forget?

When you were married...

When you had your child/ children...

When you realized you could no longer survive as a boy, but needed to become a man.

The last line I mentioned was the battle I faced over six years ago. Although I had graduated from university, been married for nearly five years and had maintained my position at work, I was still a selfish boy trying to pose as a man.

Set aside your pride for a moment and be honest with men. Can you relate?

I was in my early twenties at the time and really thought the battle against my heart was under my control. It took a long time and a lot of pain to realize I had an enemy who was attacking my attempts to grow in real maturity and become the man my Creator was trying to call me to be.

I was discussing the option of divorce.

I was accepting the idea of losing everything I had in my life.

I was ready to completely check out.

Why? Because the battle was on and the enemy was on cruise control in my life; He wasn't even prowling at that point, because I was already devoured!

My heart was lost!

C'mon guys, can you relate? Can you read this and not wonder what kind of forces are against you?

Was that last fight with your wife over anything real or substantial?

Was that temptation really worth giving into again?

Is the music you listen to or television shows you watch really the best influence?

I really had to take a step back and review my life and heart from above. I had to throw my ego out the door and hold onto my heart. I had to open up to a good friend and open up my ears to what he experienced in his life and how he overcame them.

Once I started to remove my blinders, I realized something critical... MY HEART WAS AT WAR!

Over six years ago I realized this and it has changed my life!

Here's an awesome quote from the book "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.

"You can't fight a battle you don't think exists." 

Guys, I'm telling you now, if you haven't read this book yet, I would challenge you to read it THIS YEAR. It took me awhile to read it, but when I finally did, I read through it twice.

Don't believe the lie, there is a battle for your heart that is raging and it can be won. Now, I'm not saying that won't be the end of the war, but being aware of the prowling against your heart will make a huge difference in your life.

The moment I realized this in my life years ago is still fresh in my mind. I still fight off the attacks and temptations, but I now know the cost of giving in.

So my question to you is this: are you fighting the battle against your heart? Were you even aware of it?

Well now you have no more excuses.

I want to challenge you to take a look at your life from above. Make notes of where you are struggling and ask why. Why am I struggling in this part of my life? What is really going on? Who is really behind it?

The war won't stop, but with effort, the battles can be won every day!

Next steps:

Note two areas in your life where you're struggling.

PRAY over those areas and ASK for clarity.

Be intentional in seeking change and resolution in those areas of your life.

Bryan VanSyke is the founder of, a website written by and for men from all backgrounds and ethnic groups. Bryan is also the co-author with Jody Burkeen of "The Marriage Advance".

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