Government of Canada to create recognition and implementation of rights framework

OTTAWA, Ont.-For too long, Indigenous Peoples in Canada have had to prove their rights exist and fight to have them recognized and fully implemented. To truly renew the relationship between Canada and Indigenous people, the Government of Canada must make the recognition and implementation of rights the basis for all relations between Indigenous peoples and the federal government.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced in February that the Government of Canada will develop-in full partnership with First Nations, Inuit and Métis people-a Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework.

"Reconciliation calls upon us all to confront our past and commit to charting a brighter, more inclusive future," said Trudeau. "We must acknowledge that centuries of colonial practices have denied the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples. The recognition and implementation of Indigenous rights will chart a new way forward for our government to work with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and to undo decades of mistrust, poverty, broken promises and injustices. We have listened and learned and we will work together to take concrete action to build a better future and a new relationship."

In 1982, Aboriginal and treaty rights were recognized and affirmed through Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, but the work to define these rights was not undertaken.

The contents of the Framework will be determined through national engagement activities led by the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs. In addition to Indigenous people, provincial and territorial governments will be engaged, as well as individuals from civil society, the business community and the public at large.

Engagement will continue throughout the spring, with the intention to have the framework introduced in 2018 and implemented before October 2019.

While the results of this engagement will guide what the final framework looks like, as a starting point, it should include new legislation and policy that will make the recognition and implementation of rights the basis for all relations between Indigenous people and the federal government going forward. These engagement activities will also focus on the creation of the two new departments that will replace Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, as well as the mandates of each Minister. The feedback will help the Government of Canada better serve the distinct priorities of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people.

The framework can also include new measures to support the rebuilding of Indigenous nations and governments, and advance Indigenous self-determination, including the inherent right of self-government.

Through this framework, the government will lay the foundation for lasting change on issues that matter most to people, including eliminating long-term boil water advisories, improving primary and secondary education on reserve, and taking further steps toward reconciliation.

"Today we begin the engagement that will finally address Canada's uncomfortable truth-centuries of colonial practices have denied the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples," said The Honorable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs. "As we enter the next 150 years of Canada, we will write our future together in partnership with First Nations, Inuit and Métis. The recognition and implementation of Indigenous rights is critical to reconciliation. We invite all Canadians to work to better understand the damage done by our colonial past and join us in the journey of reconciliation."