President Begaye signs Navajo veteran's bill

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz.-In a statement of strong support for Navajo veterans across the reservation, President Russell Begaye signed a bill that increases direct services funding for veterans through the Veterans Trust Fund.

Established in 1998 with a balance of $6 million, the Veterans Trust Fund covers services for Navajo veterans, including housing, hardship assistance, education, burial costs, food stipends and other direct services. Legislation No. 0191-17 adds new language to Title 12 of the Navajo Nation Code, increasing the available funding for veterans while also reinvesting into the fund to provide for reasonable growth.

"Putting this money directly into veterans' services signals our support for the men and women who served our country in the military, as well as those currently serving," President Begaye said. "As our veterans grow in number and living expenses continue to rise, we need to find ways to increase funding over time while still meeting veterans' everyday needs."

Under the previous policy, 4 percent of the fund's annual income would be used as supplemental funding for programs and services to benefit veterans on an annual basis. The new bill calls for 75 percent of the total income earned, plus the current projected set-aside of the trust fund, to be used for veterans' services-including 2 percent to be earmarked exclusively for the Veterans Housing Program. Of the 75 percent of the total income, 95 percent will be used for direct services, with 5 percent going to administrative purposes.

The bill also establishes how allowable expenditures will be calculated, using the income earned at the end of the previous audited fiscal year plus the projected set-aside for the current fiscal year. The excess of the fund income over expenditures will be reinvested in the trust fund, which is currently at about $130 million.

Veterans' organizations in all five Navajo agencies, along with various chapters and other organizations, passed resolutions supporting the bill.

Native American veterans need new bills such as the one signed by the Navajo Nation.