Pizza folly and the Gospel

Canadian news featured a story in February about a Domino's pizza delivery man. While he was in an elevator, taking an order of pizza for the purchasers' enjoyment, he apparently didn't realize video cameras were on. Surveillance caught him squatting on the floor, opening the box and helping himself to the toppings! As he reached his destination, he quickly shut the box, returned the pizza box to the thermos bag and moved on to deliver the pizza, as if all were well!

Domino's pizza has profusely apologized for the absolutely inexcusable, unsanitary, gross act of its employee.

As I read this story in the news headlines and watched the video on YouTube, I was reminded of some very simple gospel truths.

This pizza was created for the enjoyment of the purchaser. You and I were not created for ourselves. We were made by God and for God. God's Word says, "Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who made us, and not we ourselves" (Psalm 100:3, NASB). To live your life any other way is actually stealing from your Creator. A far worse offense than stealing pizza toppings!

Jesus Christ left Heaven and came to earth to buy you back from sin's deadly hold, to purchase you with His blood, which He shed at the cross (Galatians 3:13). Even though this delivery man thought no one was watching, he was busted! We cannot hide our sins from God, they are all recorded, every offense. Lying, cheating and stealing are some examples among millions of offences but the biggest offense is unbelief in God's Word. God says we are all guilty and need to come to a point of choosing to turn to Christ for the forgiveness He offers. (Acts 3:19)

God wants us to taste and see that He is good (Psalm 34:8). He can satisfy our hearts because He made our hearts. We look for peace and fulfillment in so many ways, and all these ways fail us sooner or later. There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12).

The pizza delivery man lost his job, because of his offense. It was dirty and unethical. Our sins have polluted us on the inside and have separated us from our God and He is offended! Yet He loves you and me. He sent His Son to pay the price for every dirty act of disobedience towards Him.

Do you believe His Word? Have you trusted Him? Please don't make the mistake of thinking you are fine or that you won't have to give an account for yourself. The Bible says that after death, comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The delivery man made the mistake of thinking he wouldn't be held accountable and lost his job. You have far more to lose, without a Savior. Your very eternity is at stake. His death and resurrection can secure your eternity (Romans 4:25)! You can begin a relationship with God as your loving and patient Father (John 1:12).

Turn to Him while you can. He can give you what nobody, including yourself, ever can! Then you can agree with these words: "Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him" (Psalm 62:1, NIV).

Becky Kew shares Good News at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.


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