Ontario Metis continue to work towards self-government

PETERBOROUGH, Ont.-Ours is really an incredible story but there is so much more to that is yet to be written," said Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President Margaret Froh at the MNO Annual General Assembly in Peterborough.

President Froh made her remarks during her State of the Nation Address where she reflected on progress towards self-government made both recently and over the MNO's 25-year history. Over 400 MNO citizens, guests and partner representatives from across Ontario attended the three-day gathering where MNO leaders reported on recent agreements with the federal and provincial governments that have advanced the Métis rights agenda.

President Froh stressed the importance of the MNO-Canada-Ontario Framework Agreement for Advancing Reconciliation that she described as "monumentally historic." She stated that the MNO is fully prepared to keep advancing its mandate of Métis self-determination and self-government.

The AGA MNO Peterborough and District Wapiti Métis Council hosted the AGA. In addition, important decisions and discussion took place on Métis rights and economic development. Delegates also heard about the Registry and Self Government Readiness Process that is gathering key Citizenship data to develop a database that will further strengthen the integrity, capacity and efficiency of the MNO Registry's system. Citizens also participated in numerous Métis cultural activities. President Froh stated: "Over the past 25 years the MNO has made many advances," and she credits much of MNO's success to "grit, determination and our ongoing commitment to rights of a people with a distinct culture, history, language and way of life."

Many dignitaries attended the AGA and brought greetings.

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