Bad exchange/Good exchange

As a Canadian, I like to take trips across the border into the United States. A change in scenery or climate and the variety in shopping is always refreshing. The only draw back is the exchange rate. Our Canadian dollar is only worth 76 cents in the USA. It seems frustrating to work hard for your money and then lose a chunk of it before you even leave home.

How different the trip will be for those whose sins are forgiven and are ready for Heaven. The Bible tells true believers to not become weary during our journey on earth, because our labor is not in vain. Our work and investment won't be wasted. What awaits us is a far greater eternal glory, which means that we can never get a bad exchange.

The Lord is good and gracious to all, and He will never short-change those who choose to invest in His Kingdom purposes by surrendering their will and desiring to do God's will instead (Matthew 6:33). In fact, those who truly live with God's Word as the center compass of their lives will abide in God's love and their joy will be full (John 15:10–11). God will answer their prayers (1John 3:22). He will be their friend and reveal Himself to them (John 14:21, John 15:14). He promises that when we put Him first, that all we do for Him down here will be forwarded to God's presence and converted into Heavenly treasure.

When people treat us badly, it doesn't matter because we can love them with the love of the Lord and be rewarded for it. Whether we are doing chores, homework, or changing diapers, it can all be counted as priceless and never forgotten by God, when done for Him. Our efforts in our work and relationships can never be robbed, short changed, or destroyed. No good thing will God withhold from those who walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11).

Unfortunately, those who have never come to know Jesus as Savior can have no Heavenly treasure, because Heaven isn't their home. The Bible says the only exchange they will get is the due wage of their sins. The payment for sin is eternal death but the Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). A person without Christ has only this world to look forward to. The world only offers temporary pleasure and goods. Satan lies about his exchange rate; he wants you to seek for all that the world offers so that you can lose your soul in the process (Mark 8:36).

Have you believed on Christ as your Savior? He got the worst exchange rate of all. He who knew no sin, became guilty for ours and bore the wrath of God, so that we could be forgiven and experience the greatest exchange ever (2 Corinthians 5:21).

What kind of love is that? A love we don't deserve but can freely receive! God loves you! Have you thanked Him for sending His Son for you? Have you acknowledged your guilt before Him and received His give of everlasting life through Jesus Christ?

Please do so today? This great exchange rate won't last forever.

Becky Kew shares Good News at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.


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