A 20-20 Focus

I cannot believe it is a fourth of the way through 2020! To me, reaching 2020 is like hitting one of those life-changing numbers like 20, 40 or 70. Each one carries a different emotion and expectation. I felt a bit uncertain when I turned 70, but no matter what our age, we can be certain that God has a plan. Here is part of the last lesson from my book, Walking with the Creator Along the Narrow Road.

The third chapter of Genesis is a drama about a broken relationship between our Creator and His beloved creatures, people. The story reveals how the Creator's enemy, Satan, plotted, through the crafty serpent, to break the Creator's heart by destroying His relationship with Adam and Eve. It is both the tale of human failure and of God's merciful restoration.

Do you ever wonder what life was like for Adam and Eve before they chose to listen to the serpent's lies? They heard God "walking in the garden in the cool of the day" (3:8, KJV). I wonder how they got to know each other.

I picture Adam and Eve, like two excited kids, telling Him about the antics of a favorite animal or sharing their delight over a colorful scented flower or a tasty spice. I wonder if God revealed the immensity of His universe or explained the laws of quantum physics. Did they play musical instruments or write melodies together? I wonder how many projects they designed and built.

These ideas seemed like childish fantasy when I first thought of them, but then I realized that God interacts with us in miraculous ways all the time. I am just not sure that we always give Him credit for our inspiration and accomplishments; yet, He gave us every talent and ability we possess. He designed brains that blow my mind! He created every scientific law, ecosystem, and sensory perception. He is the greatest chef, artist, musician, mechanic, and astrophysicist in the world!

Above all, He knows how to love. He invented romance and tiny humans that come equipped with fingernails and curiosity. He also loved us to the point that He died for us to set us free from Satan's grip. He only wants one thing in return. He wants us to love-to love Him and others like we love ourselves.

It seems like 2020 is the kind of year in which we need to take heed to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:10–13. "At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved."

I still remember the day when, in my anguish, confusion and shame, I asked the Lord how I could walk with Him, and He replied, "Look at who I am."

If I focus on the politicians, the inequities, the fear over climate change and the endless violence and lies in the world, I want to curl up in a ball on my bed; but when I look at who He is, healing light, hope and purpose fill my soul. He is wonderful and His plans are marvelous; we just need to hang on to Him in 2020. Then we will see all things clearly.

Sue Carlisle grew up on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. An enrolled member of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, her passion is to encourage people to look at creation and see our awesome Creator.

Sue is author of Walking

with the Creator Along the

Narrow Road (2013 Indian

Life Books). She and her

husband, Wes, now live in

Thunder Bay, Ontario.