Letters from our readers

A Ring of Fire

I have corresponded with Indian Life Ministries for about 10 years, and your newspaper, books, fliers and correspondence have been nothing short of a joy and blessing in my life.

You have truly helped to instill the love of Jesus into my life. And that love has spread to countless people who have been around me and around those who were around me. It's very similar to a tiny spark that builds into a ring of fire. The difference being, that ring of fire is actually a light for our Lord and Savior. The Prayer Circle is a huge part of that ring of fire and a time has come when I need its power.


Loved and Blessed

We received the November/December 2019 copy of Indian Life Newspaper that you sent. The women here really enjoy reading it. They appreciated the publications that you send. The women truly know that they are loved and blessed by the materials that we receive from organizations like yours. Thank you for your generosity and time. Have a very blessed day.

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