Is Anything Sure?

I don't know about you, but I am finding that we are living in a day and an age that is full of inconsistent information! Everybody is sure of something but nobody's stories seem to agree. Contradictions fly at us from our TVs, cell phones and our laptops. How do we know what to believe? How do we know who is telling the truth?

Yesterday, I was visiting a man on a local reservation, and he was certain of a very important truth. He told me that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). We talked about the uncertainty of our times and how the whole world seems to be under a blanket of confusion. I was overjoyed that he was resting on these certain facts-not based on my words or anyone else's words, but based on God's Word. As we know God cannot lie. People do lie, but if God could, He wouldn't be God!

The whole world lies in darkness because we have turned our back on God's will, on His Word (2 Corinthians 4:4). We have leaned on our own thinking. As a result, confusion, fear and strife exist. As James 3:16 says, "For where jealousy and selfish ambition exists, there will be disorder and every evil practice."

Where is light? Where is truth? Where is hope? We cannot create these gifts on our own. They need to come from the source! Jesus said: He is the light of the world! If any person chooses to follow Him, they will not walk in darkness, (impure, untruthful ways), but they will have the light of life (John 8:12).

People who choose to walk in the light, will walk in the truth! They have hope because their paths and futures are certain, led by the one who cannot tell a lie. They will also seek peace in their relationships because of their peace with God (1 John 1:7). You and I can't naturally do this; we do the opposite. We need the Savior!

Would you like to be certain of forgiveness, security, and true direction in your life, despite your circumstances? Return to God; seek His way and not your own. He will show you truth, because He is full of truth. He will also show you grace; His arm is not too short that it cannot save. He is willing to forgive your sins, because of what Jesus Christ did at the cross on your behalf. He took your judgment so that you can go free and walk in the light with your God (Isaiah 50:10)!

The Lord Jesus Christ offers eternal life, for those who will trust in Him alone. When your eternity is settled, when you know that the God of the universe has forgiven your offenses, you will have assurance in this life because nothing can separate you from His love! Don't take my word for it (John 10:28). Turn to His!

Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the Lord that He may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God for He will forgive generously (Isaiah 55:7).

Becky Kew shares Good News at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada. BeckyKew@

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