Editorial Viewpoint


One of the constants and givens of living life is change. Most of us don't like dealing with change, but there are always a few who will absolutely thrive on it! I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.

Indian Life Ministries has come through a lot of changes over the years to survive and continue as the newspaper entity that it is. We have had to do some fairly significant morphing to keep going. Many of our readers wouldn't see those changes. You just continue to appreciate a real good newspaper!

That said, we are in the middle of another change! Our longtime volunteer employee turned General Director, Jo-Anne Anderson, is retiring and we are in the middle of a leadership changeover at ILM. As Jo-Anne winds down her time, the new leadership duo of Todd and Krystal Wawrzyniak are settling into the saddle and getting ready to take on the challenge of directing Indian Life Ministries! Wow!

It has been a privilege for my wife, Milly, and me to have had the opportunity of working with Jo-Anne Anderson and her husband Jerry. She's a multitasker and is hard to keep up with. She has kept going in spite of some physical challenges that make it difficult to get done what's necessary to keep ILM going. My hat's off to her for a job well done. Well done, Sister!

Todd and Krystal come to us from the Calgary area & have a unique background of ministry, accounting and leadership. We welcome them on board as they take up the reins of ILM. Because of the current Manitoba Covid-19 lockdown, they can't even come to Winnipeg for training and orientation! The solution: We've created an ILM sub-office in Langdon, Alberta, to keep operations going. That makes us not only an international organization (our editor and graphic designer are stateside), but interprovincial as well!

Looking forward to good things here in 2021. Through all the changes in ILM and the Global Upheavals of the times that we live in, I'm continually reminded of, and impressed by, God's hand in it all.