Lessons From a Dog

There's a dog in my neighborhood that has been tied to a chain for many years. He is a gorgeous shepherd with long black hair. He wasn't approachable; his neck was one big scar, and he had no hair there from the pressure of his collar.

The last few months the dog has been running free, his ribs are showing, and he was a pretty pathetic sight.

I tried to coax him into my vehicle with food so I could take him somewhere to get care, but he wouldn't let me touch him. I decided I would try to drop some food for him on the ground. He was very nervous, so I would just leave it and walk away. I didn't want to get bit.

A month later of reaching out and showing love, he now watches for me and comes running and lets me rub him on the head as I pour part of my supper or breakfast on the ground, mixed with dog food. He devours everything, with his tail wagging!

As I think of my new friendship, I'm reminded of so many spiritual lessons. The chained up dog is a picture of us in our sins (Psalm 107:10). Sin controls us, and leaves so many scars in our lives and in the lives of others. It keeps us separated from God; therefore we are not free to live as he created us to live (Isaiah 59:2).

Until his freedom, this dog was angry and unapproachable. The longer we continue in sin, layers of pride, hate, shame, regret and fear accumulate in our souls. We can become bitter and unforgiving. Some of us turn to self-medication through addictions, which creates another chain in our life. Since this dog has been adopted, in a sense, by me, he is a new puppy-my love and care has softened his heart and saved his life! His ribs are no longer showing and his tail is wagging. He has something to look forward to in life! Best of all, we enjoy a wonderful relationship! (Ephesians 1:5)

What about you? God is seeking to reach you with His love! How are you responding? He could be using other Christians-are you lashing out at them because of the pain in your life?

He could be speaking to you through His Word-are you accepting it and letting it nourish your soul (Matthew 11:28–30)?

The Lord will keep seeking to reach you, but it's up to you to respond. My new-found friend would have died without my reaching out to Him, and you as well will die in your sins without a Savior who can make you whole on the inside and give you Heaven to look forward to!

Run to Him while you can and receive His love shown to you through Jesus Christ. Now is the day of salvation! You might not have tomorrow. The Lord didn't come to call those who think they are righteous but those who know they are sinners and need to repent (Luke 5:32). The Lord Jesus Christ took your judgment at the cross, so that you can find healing, freedom and forgiveness. All you need to do is turn to Him, with nothing in your hands and accept His salvation. He loves you with an everlasting love!

Becky Kew shares good news at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada. BeckyKew@ outlook.com

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