what's up with ILM

Being thankful is a powerful emotion. It keeps our focus on that which is positive, and allows us to think about things that are lovely, admirable, pure and worthy of praise. But let's be honest, it seems to be a lot easier to focus on those things that are challenging and difficult. So, it takes intention, and a ton of practice.

Someone once told me that faith is like a muscle. The more you work and train it, the easier it becomes to use. The same principle can be applied to thanksgiving. The more you look for things that you can be thankful for, the easier they become to spot.

In our home, with our teenage children, we try to regularly do something called Thanksgiving Therapy. When we are driving home from school, or sometimes during dinner, we announce "Thanksgiving Therapy time" and everyone gets a turn to tell one another what we are thankful for. It's easiest for us to practice when everyone is already happy, but find it the most impactful when we are grumbly or frustrated. After a few of us have had a turn, you can almost feel the shift in atmosphere and attitude. Oh, and we never criticize what we hear someone else name as being thankful for. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant to us, they are thankful. They have recognized the blessing. And so, we rejoice.

This said, what are we, at ILM, thankful for?

1. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is by His grace that we live and breathe and know of His love. Thank you!

2. You! We would not have a reason to print the newspaper if you were not reading it. Thank you!

3. Each and every phone call, email, and letter we receive. It is always encouraging to hear from you and learn your stories. Thank you!

4. The team of people who work behind the scenes to make the newspaper a newspaper. Our editor, graphics designer, accountant, volunteers, prayer warriors, and all of our writers. We wouldn't have a newspaper without you. Thank you!

5. The birds and the trees. Each reminds us that if God certainly cares for every leaf on the trees and feather on the birds, He certainly cares for us too. Thank you!

6. The technology we have available that allows us to be connected to people across North America. Thank you!

7. Reprinting one of our books, The Lonely Search. It is an encouraging testimony, and we're so thankful to be able to read it again. Thank you!

Now it's your turn. What are you thankful for? Say it out loud. Say it in your mind. Tell someone. And remember, thanksgiving is a muscle that only gets stronger with practice.