Healing the Heart through Looking Forward to Heaven

I am a Sixties Scoop Survivor and someone who was adopted and then met my biological family later in life. Then there are a number of other pieces of the pie of my life-issues of addiction, rebellion, and the issues of having two sets of families. Then add issues related to health and the health of family members and all the other experiences good and bad that have happened in my life and in most of our lives. Then there are issues that may not happen to us directly, but still affect us, such as depression, anxiety, trouble with the law, and family members going to prison. And don't forget that colonialism in Canada and the USA has left quite a trail of suffering and trauma that has accumulated over the last 500 years.

When I think about all the negative aspects of life that leave scars and bad feelings, it forces me to look to the future. Of course, we can plan for the future here on earth, but none of us knows when our time will come to leave this earth. Our Creator God tells us in his book that our lives are very short. Just as the grass withers, so it is true of our very lives. We are also told in this spiritual book, the Bible, that in life we will have troubles and hardships. Yet, God is still on our side, and He has rescued us from darkness by His Son's death and resurrection. He has also given us the Holy Spirit who guides us, comforts us, directs us, and empowers us with the power of God.

One thing I've noticed as I've been climbing to the age of 53 is that seniors and elders who know Jesus as their Savior say they are looking forward to heaven, because this life has been too much. They've lived long enough to know that God is real, and He loves them dearly, but they've also lived long enough to experience many disappointments.

My late dad, who passed on about six years ago, used to say he was more than ready for heaven. The last three months of his life consisted of congestive heart failure, but he was ready to go.

My favorite three scriptures that speak about heaven are: Revelation 21:27, which says, "But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life," Revelation 21:4, which says, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away," and 1 Corinthians 2:9, which says, "But, as it is written, 'What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him'" (all ESV).

What I love about these verses, and many more like them, is that they zero in on the issues of my heart and soul. Leaving all evil behind. No more tears, dying, mourning, crying, and pain. All of these issues and more will be discarded, along with all the troubles that come with getting older. We will be free from the evil of this world that comes in so many different forms-all the things that burden us and all the trauma we have been through.

As I'm writing this I am trying to focus on the glory of heaven, as I've been beside my daughter, who is facing her second cancer diagnosis, She's only 21. This pushes to the background my own health issues and trying to keep up with the bills.

I'm sure you could give me a long list too of reasons why your heart focuses on heaven. I'm sure some of you have been through so much.

Though I'm focusing on heaven, that doesn't mean I'm sitting in the corner doing nothing, waiting for that day to come. Creator God has given me gifts to use in ministry that I can't squander. My family needs me. I also have many loving friends. When you are feeling overwhelmed, I urge you to look to the Word of God, prayer, your church, and your family and things like Christian music to lift your spirit. This is how I'm dealing with my hardships. I urge you to look to Creator God to help you in your circumstances. What I do know is that heaven will be the ultimate way that our hearts are truly healed.

Parry Stelter is originally from Alexander First Nation, which is part of Treaty Six Territory. He is a doctoral candidate in contextual leadership. As an author, speaker and workshop facilitator he runs Word of Hope Ministries and attends Hope Church in Stony Plain, AB, Canada http://www.wordofhopeministries.ca.