Healing the Heart Through Praise

When I take a look at my life and everything I've gone through-all the good and the bad-I see various reasons why I went through bad times.

The reasons were usually a result of at least one of four things: 1-Temptation and sin; 2-The pressures of the world and bad influence of friends; 3-The attacks of Satan and his demons; 4-Things beyond my control that I didn't ask to happen, want to happen or invite to happen, but nonetheless happened.

1-Temptation and Sin: During my late teen years I entered a rebellious stage of my life. I wanted to party with my friends and pretty much do what I wanted to do, with whomever I wanted. So, I did. But that lead to a very long season of sin and took years to turn it around.

2-The pressures of the world and bad influencing friends: This season of my life went hand in hand with the season of sin I just mentioned.

3-The attacks of Satan and his demons: There was a calling on my life to go into ministry before I was even born, because it was ordained by the Creator Himself. Since the Creator had a plan of me going into a life of ministry, Satan and his demons have tried their best to make life difficult for me. Those of you who are in ministry know what I mean and can relate to this.

4-Things beyond my control that I didn't ask to happen, want to happen or invite to happen, but nonetheless they happened: When I was born, I was separated from my biological mother, because she had mental illness issues. During a two-year period, I was moved to 12 different homes until I ended up at the Stelters' home, where I grew up. Then my adopted mother passed away when I was twelve years old after a six-year battle with cancer.

Another event that happened was when my seven-month-old daughter passed away from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Then later on in life, my adopted dad died of congestive heart failure. Shortly after that my adopted brother passed away from cancer. Then, five years ago my daughter was diagnosed with cancer. She was cured and recovered, but just over a year ago she was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. This time it's a different kind of cancer and more serious.

As I went through each of these stages and stages that were a combination of more than one of these stages, one main behavior helped me move forward. That one behavior was to praise the Lord. Usually, these times of praising the Creator went hand-in-hand with listening to my favorite gospel songs. One minute I'd be listening to a particular song and the next thing I know the tears would start flowing. Sometimes they would flow with an uncontrollable force, and sometimes only a few tears would flow.

When I went through this process of healing, when I called out to God and said, "I need you," combined with crying and praising the Creator, I felt a release deep within my heart and soul. The Bible always refers to the heart or the soul as the center of our emotions.

Psalm 13: 1–2 says, "'How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?" King David was asking the Creator questions about his circumstances, crying out to God to save him. Then King David said, "But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me" (5–6). We see a shift in his focus here.

In this psalm, we see King David going from asking questions about his circumstances to relief and healing came from focusing on the Creator's love and trust in him. Then he entered into a stage of rejoicing and praising God. I know from my experience that sometimes it takes awhile to get to the stage of rejoicing and praise. Yet, because Jesus is in my heart already, it will sooner or later come. When it does, it shifts my focus off of myself and onto God the Father, Jesus His Son , and Holy Spirit, who comforts us in our times of distress. Then my heart starts to experience healing.

If you're going through a hard time, try some of my suggestions. Your heart is longing for it more than you think.

Parry Stelter is originally from Alexander First Nation. He is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, and workshop facilitator. Visit his website at http:/www.wordofhopeministries.ca

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