Videos available from Native American Nutrition Conference

PRIOR LAKE, Minn.-In the Spring, the University of Minnesota hosted the fifth annual Native American Nutrition conference. Two dozen videos of various presentations from the conference are now online for attendees and also for those who did not come to the conference.

The theme for the conference was: "Decolonizing and Indigenizing our Diets for Health."During the three-day conference, Indegenous experts, elders, and others spoke at the event.

Speakers included Michael Yellow Bird (Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara), the dean and the professor of the faculty of social work at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, spoke on intermittent fasting; Beverly Stabber Warne, (Oglala Lakota), professor at South Dakota State University College of Nursing, who talked about the elder perspective on food for healing; and keynote speaker Andrea Carmen (Yaqui), the executive director of the International Indian Treaty Council, who discussed building resiliency of Indigenous food systems in response to COVID-19 and the climate. The offerings on the website also include a demonstration by Oglala Lakota chef Sean Sherman.

The conference videos are posted for free access at