Free Boosting!

"Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'" (Acts 20:35)

Series: Editorial Viewpoint | Story 6

Christmas had always been a time for me to get things. Right from my first memories of toy trucks under the tree, it was that way. I remember the Christmas when I decided to do it differently. . . .

In Canada we have Kijiji (it's like Craigslist), where I posted an ad, "Free Boosting. Anytime, Anywhere around Calgary. Just call me! Merry Christmas!" I added a picture of some booster cables, gassed up the old Jeep 4x4, and started to field the calls that came in.

It was really cold and snowy when I started (about the 10th of December). Some days there'd be only one call, but some days there'd be four or five. Some would come in 9:00 o'clock at night & I'd go out in the dark to get them started. Some chipped in for gas and some didn't. Someone even saved my number and called me six months later for a boost! I kept going until Dec. 23rd when I pulled the ad off and allowed AAA to regain their market share!

It really made a difference in my "Yuletide attitude"! I got way more excited about what I was doing for others than what was in it for me!

And when the total stranger I was helping asked why I was doing this, I'd get the chance to tell them that Jesus had given me so much in life; I was just trying to give a little back!

Have a Great Christmas!