Letters from Our Readers

Series: Letters from Our Readers | Story 6

I read your pamphlet and would like to say thank you for your benevolent and gregarious work by reaching out to people in need. There are a lot of souls still suffering and in need of such literature to allow personal growth and understanding.

In today's society, I'm sure a lot of suicides get labelled as accidental overdoses or similar type incidents and people need to understand there is help out there. Just know your work has touched a soul.

Thankfully, R. D.

P.S. I like the name of your organization, Indian Life Ministries, as I am a proud Indian.

I want to thank you for the donation of the November-December issue of the Intertribal Life newspaper. We will certainly be sharing them with our inmates coming to the chapel. The news and views from our Indigenous brothers and sisters are always very much appreciated.

I know there are men here who find comfort and encouragement in your newspaper, and the information provided is always interesting. Thank you for the support your organization provides to the men here at [our] correctional institution's Miracle Chapel. Your magazine means a lot to our inmates.

Chaplain W.G. from Florida