How to Use a Daily Devotional

1. Prepare. While the Council Fire daily devotional is a handy size that you can carry and read anywhere-and some days you may do that-we suggest you make it part of a special time with the Lord.

If at all possible, it's good to choose the same time each day so you can get into a routine (it only takes three weeks to develop a habit!). Try to choose a time when you will not face as many interruptions, and take steps to limit distractions (like turning off your phone or television for a while).

Gather your materials-your Council Fire daily devotional, your Bible, and a pen and paper-or something to make notes on.

2. Pray. Commit your devotional time to the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit to work in your life.

3. Use your Bible. As you read the words of the day's devotional, meditate for a moment on the Scripture passage before continuing in the devotion.

Read the recommended Scripture reading. Don't just read the short verses in the devotional, but also read the recommended passages. As you read these in the Council Fire daily devotional, you will end up reading the whole Bible in a year.

4. As you read, write down thoughts and questions you have. Feel free to share these with a Christian friend, small group, or your pastor.

5. As you finish reading, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to apply this Scripture and lesson in your life. Perhaps write down some ways to do this. You can also write a prayer and response to the Lord.

6. You might want to continue your prayer time with intercession for others-Indian Life Ministries would love to be on your prayer list!