Clinging to The Calling

"The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:9

A few years ago I met Carl-we were singing at the same Gospel Jamboree. While I was packing up equipment afterward, he told me that he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

That was kind of a shocker, but I was really impressed by his attitude: "As long as I can, I'll keep singing!" No bitterness, no resentment, no self-pity, just a determination to make the most what he had left! Believe me, I was totally impressed!!

It was hard on him when they took his driver's license away. Wherever he went, his wife Cathy had to drive for him. Sometimes he got a little foggy from all his meds, but he kept going, serving God, singing, recording, and telling people all that Jesus had done for him!

Fast-forward to November 2023. The specialist called for him to come in ASAP! That's not usually a good thing, but this time the news was different! "You were misdiagnosed for the last 10 years! You don't have Alzheimer's!"

Wow, talk about good news! It was straight down to the Saskatchewan Registry to get his license back and, being a gospel musician, the next order of business was to drive 1000 km to his next gig!

I was impacted by his approach to both situations he faced. Dealing with Alzheimer's, after working through the initial shock, he had a calm acceptance of things and an intense desire to keep doing what God had called him to.

Today, living his regular life, the intense conviction hasn't changed-it's still there!

What's our perspective when life throws us a knuckleball? Does God see us as we deal with the setbacks & uncertainties of this world? How do we view the lifespace that he's put us in? Do we cling to His calling?

Dear God, Whatever situation I'm facing today, help me keep my eyes on you and keep doing what you've called me to.