"Look at who I am."

Series: Directors Corner | Story 13


Of course! I have spent enough time looking at the unfavorable circumstances surrounding me. It seemed that I needed the reminder to look at who God is, instead of hyper-focusing on the dark and hard circumstances my family was walking through.

Since joining Indian Life Ministries, I have been intentional as I read the books that we offer. They were all new to me, and I'm an avid reader, so it made perfect sense to know more about the encouraging testimonies and books that we made available.

The most recent book I am reading is actually a Bible study. Walking With the Creator Along the Narrow Road, by Sue Carlisle.

I didn't know what to expect, but I've come to really appreciate Sue, and her husband, Wes, and it was next on my list. The study is an expedition through the first three chapters of Genesis. As I've been working daily through the study, which is super relatable and readable, I've been reminded that God has an incredible imagination, displayed in how He created such a vast universe, such a vast universe with artistic flair, having a sense of humor and having the capacity to love me and you far beyond the stretching of our imaginations.

I've always had a soft spot for plants, shrubs, trees, flowers . . . life. On hikes, I was always in awe as I observed the most colorful flowers growing amidst the rocky sidewalls or barren land. I've often wondered how they could possibly grow in such unfavorable living conditions.

It struck me that life always finds a way. At the moment, I am three lessons into the nine-lesson study, and the Lord has been reminding me that life always looks for the light. In order for flowers, shrubs or trees to grow, they need light. And they don't just need it-they push their roots down deep and stretch themselves toward the light.

The same is true for my walk with Jesus and for your walk with Jesus. If we try to live in darkness, like most life, at least for the plants I grow in my yard, we will slowly shrivel up and die. We need light. To stretch ourselves tall towards the source of light and life. Our creator. The Creator.

Colossians 2:7 says, "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."

How do we build our lives on Jesus and grow deep roots in Him? We talk to Him, we read His Word, we talk with other people who believe in Him, we talk about Him with other people. We acknowledge the darkness that surrounds us and are honest about its impact, but we turn our focus on the One who can illuminate the darkness and chase it away. The one and only Light.

Yes, it is hard. I acknowledge that. When the circumstances surrounding me felt too heavy and utterly dark, I felt weak and overwhelmed by darkness. It was hard to turn my eyes towards the Lord and see Him in my struggle.

But little by little, day by day, I spent even just snippets of time with Him. It took a few years, in my situation, but one day I realized that I wasn't heavy any longer, and the darkness that once surrounded me wasn't dark anymore. My smile earnestly reached my eyes once again.

Look at who He is. Look at all He has created. Keep it simple by learning about the Light. Maybe pick up a copy of Walking With the Creator Along the Narrow Road. It's an invitation to a life-changing journey.